Herniated Disc

  • What a herniated (or slipped) disc?

    Fix My Back Disc

    A herniated (or slipped) disc is a painful rupture of the fibrocartilage of the disc between spinal vertebrae; occurs most often in the lumbar region. This one being normally located in the space between two vertebras which it separates.

    A hernia occurs in 87 % cases at the level of the last lumbar vertebras: most often between vertebras L4 and L5 (4th and the 5th lumbar vertebra) as a consequence of a wrong movement or of a traumatism. This hernia can draw away a compression of roots at this level: bed of sciatic nerves. Pain felt by the patient cannot however be explained only by a mechanical phenomenon.

    Other notably chemical phenomena can intervene and there are many hernias of significant volume which are asymptomatic.
    These hernia as a protrusion, which can lead to a compression of the nervous roots located in area of the disc.
    According to the level of the herniated disc, the patient can endure lumbar pain and/or a radicular pain (cruralgia, sciatic nerve).

    Normal intervertebral disc:
    It is necessary to know that the spinal cord ends at the level of back vertebra D12. At this lumbar level pain can be caused by the irritation of pinching of the nerve roots that are located in that area.
    To make it easier to understand, the above diagram describes the main type of hernias and the anatomic plan in which they are situated:

    - Lateral Posterior or Para median
    - Foraminal
    - Extra foraminal

    In sagittal plan hernias are described:
    - Ascending
    - Descending

    Hernia can be:
    - Excluded (in relation to the posterior longitudinal ligament)
    - Extruded (by definition)
    - Protrude (incomplete form of herniated disc)
    - Protrue (forme incomplète de hernie discale)
    It can be possible that a damaged disc is dehydrated. If so it will appear as a black image. This dehydration of the disc produces an intervertebral packing which can be painful, by crushing the nerves passing between the two vertebras .

    Hernia can be:
    The spinal column is constituted of 26 vertebras. Vertebras are separated by gristly discs and every disc is formed by an external fibrous ring and a white internal part which acts as “amortisseur” during the movement of vertebras.
    These discs can degenerate following a bad position, following a traumatism which has the effect it is ageing. If it occurs, it’s internal part can break and go out across the fibrous ring and constrict or irritate the corresponding nervous root at its level and even hurt it.
    When symptoms appear (a pain, a discomfort sensation and a weakness), medical treatment consists in giving medicine to the patient such as anti-inflammatory or of muscular relaxant is typically used.
    However, if pain persists or if nervous problems appear, it may be necessary to choose a more efficient treatment.
    For that, Discogel therapy with an Ozone treatment is used more often as an alternative to open conventional surgery. The reason for this is that it respects the anatomy of the column and the treatment allows for a short recovery for the patient. It is also a Steroid free, nonsurgical solution performed as an outpatient procedure which is done while you are vacationing in Puerto Vallarta.
    Typically the patient will leave Puerto Vallarta pain free or at the very least with a minimal amount of pain, substantially less than when the patient arrived. The slipped disc, pinched disc, herniated disc or bulging disc treatment consists of the combination of 2 Therapies designed to relieve your back pain. - Step One Ozone Therapy, a holistic treatment, where oxygen is introduced into the pain area in 3 treatments.
    - Step Two (a micro-therapy of Discogel) accomplished at the same time during the treatment
    - This will reduce the pressure created by the herniated disc with a non steroid, jellified alcohol injection (DISCOGEL® )
    - The patient will experience a drastic reduction of the inflamed area between the vertebras which encircle the suffering disc thanks to infiltration of corticoids.

    The treatment consists of decreasing the pressure of the herniated disc or discs.
    The injection is accomplished under sedation. The doctor will pick the discs to be treated, once studied, using an MRI, he will inject jellified ethanol DISCOGEL® into the herniated disc. Discogel is not a steroid and is not available in the USA. No doctors in the USA can perform this procedure. The Discogel is applied after 3 treatments of ozone.

    Hernias lead to suffering, a shortening and to symmetry loss in vertebral muscles which support the column.
    It is for that reason that when you use Discogel it helps reduce intra-herniated disc hyper pressure and joint inflammation, it is fundamental in treating the muscular region which may be the reason for disc pain and to help avoid the reappearance of symptoms.
    Pain caused by hernias, has an influence on our emotional state, creating feelings of anxiety, stress, sadness, etc. By eliminating the pain using our Ozone and Discogel therapy which is a minimally invasive procedure not requiring hospitalization you will get your life back on track and be pain free.

Herniated Disc Menu

  • Herniated Disc Treatment

    It is necessary to know that the spinal cord ends at the level of back vertebra D12.

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  • Procedure Herniated Back Disc Treatment

    Kit allows intervention on two discs (one needle and one syringe per disc).

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  • Herniated Back Disc Typical History

    Your story is typical of a patient having a herniated disc.

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  • Discogel vs Open Back Surgery

    DiscoGel modifies the core of the intervertebral disc in such a way that the disc herniation resolves.

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  • Herniated Back Disc Ozone Therapy

    Ozone therapy may be done to treat most kinds of disc related pain.

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  • Natural Therapy

    We offer many natural therapy’s at the doctor’s office located in Puerto Vallarta Jalisco Mexico.

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